What Are You Looking For??
We stretch, work out more, try to sleep in different positions, but nothing to seems to relieve that nagging tension, tightness, or outright pain.
Those of us who've experienced injuries in the past are even more likely to think, "Is this the way it is now?"
We tell others "Ever since I ______________ (broke my leg, hurt my back, got in that accident) it's just never felt right." We go to chiropractors, massage therapists, physical therapists for relief. But the relief doesn't last.
What are we missing??
When our connective tissue or fascia becomes "dehydrated" by repetitive movements, injuries, or just day-to-day living, it can create pain, stiffness, or misalignments in the body.
We can go to chiropractors (who work on alignment and joints) or massage therapists (who work on muscles) and it feels better for awhile.
But inevitably it just keeps coming back.
It's because we are leaving out a huge part of our body structure: connective tissue.
We call dehydration in the connective tissue "stuck stress".
What if you could relieve pain & stiffness right when it comes up, instead of waiting until it's an overwhelming issue?
☑️ Find relief at home, right when you need it.
☑️ Save time and money on repetitive treatments that don't address the root of the problem.
☑️ Eliminate frustration in the recovery process.
☑️ Get out of the revolving door of injury recovery.
☑️ Learn not only to restore your body, but prevent future injuries and health issues too.
☑️ Overcome feeling discouraged, defeated, or fearful that this is "just the way things are now."
Free Your Neck & Shoulders
Through consistent practice the body can experience amazing changes. This is how the biggest shifts can be made. Join this session for a weekly class along with a recording each week so you can continue your practice at home.
Optional Materials: MELT Soft Roller, Elastic Band, MELT Method Book (These would be yours to use at home between classes)
Next Session: Saturdays, 11am-12pm. January 5th - Feb 8th, 2025.
Through consistent practice the body can experience amazing changes. This is how the biggest shifts can be made. Join this session for a weekly class along with a recording to use between classes so you can continue your practice at home.
Optional Materials: MELT Soft Roller, MELT Method Book, Elastic Band (These would be yours to use at home between classes)
Next Session: Saturdays 11am-12pm, Feb 15th - March 22nd.
Sometimes we just need direct, one-to-one guidance. Book private sessions with Joyce in person or via Zoom.
Private sessions include whatever techniques are necessary to meet your body's needs including MELT techniques, Yoga Hammock, Strength Training, and Corrective Exercise.
Hosting private events can be a fun way to spoil your co-workers/employees, family, or friends!
Perfect for:
Bachelorette Parties
Adult Birthday Celebrations
Women's Groups
Church Groups
Leadership Events
Employee Health Program Events
Fill out our quick form and we will contact you to discuss your plans!
Where We Feel Pain is Often NOT Where the Problem Is.
A body reading looks at your whole body alignment, offering you insight into the root cause behind your pain/stiffness. We use techniques taught by Block Therapy & Anatomy Trains with Tom Myers to evaluate your body using photos.
Understand your body's specific needs & issues more clearly
Establish a baseline & see your body change over time as you make progress.
Gain clarity of what areas need the most help.
Receive a PDF report with your photos side-by-side each time.
Book your body reading now!
Option 1: $30 - You would take & submit your own photos
Option 2: $60 - Meet with Joyce to get your photos taken.
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