Affiliate Disclosure

Effective date: December 5, 2024.

Please see also the Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and Full Disclaimer which govern the use of this website. This affiliate disclosure explains affiliate relationships that has with other companies and products.

In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume the following about all links, posts, photos and other material on this website:

Many of the links on this website are affiliate links to products/companies from which receives a small commission from sales of certain items, but the price is the same for you. We appreciate YOU for supporting our efforts by purchasing products through our site, at NO additional cost to you.

Practice Simple Wellness, LLC. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program that provides advertising fees to companies like Practice Simple Wellness, LLC. DBA Haven Healing who link to products on and its affiliate sites. Pages on this site may include affiliate links to Amazon and its affiliate sites on which the owner of this website will make a referral commission.


Some of the links on are affiliate links. This means that a tracking code is used and that may make a small commission on the sale of a product if you purchase through one of these links. Purchasing through affiliate links does affect the price of the item for you in any way. The small commission earned helps support the efforts and costs of maintaining this website.


If I post an affiliate link to an item, you can be certain that it is something that I personally use, support and would recommend even without an affiliate link. (Please read my Full Disclaimer for information on non-affiliate relationships that I may benefit from financially.)

My intention is to provide links to products that I believe may help you practice simple wellness in your daily life, and I will only ever link to products or resources (affiliate or otherwise) that I believe will benefit your health and wellness goals.


While I personally use the items I link to, these products are purchased from third party companies. I typically link directly to the companies I have purchased from; however, it is not always possible to do so. In those cases, I may provide links for a similar product that I believe to be of equal quality. I do not typically have personal relationships with these companies and cannot ensure the quality of products or services provided through these links. Please address any issues that arise from purchases made through affiliate links on directly to the company from which you purchased.


I am a Diamond Leader Wellness Advocate with dōTERRA International. I exclusively recommend their essential oils because I believe they are of the highest quality and I love the heart and mission of the company. I earn commissions from the retail sales of doTERRA products on as well as from recurring purchases of customers using their own wholesale accounts. My commissions do not affect the prices of the products themselves, and in fact, wholesale customers receive the same discount I do when I purchase my own essential oils. If you have questions about my relationship with dōTERRA, please email info [at] practicesimplewellness [dot] com.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Affiliate Disclosure, please contact us:

By email: info [at]

By visiting this page on our website: www [dot] Haven309 [dot] come

By phone number: 309-220-8733

By mail: 1100 W. Garfield Ave., Bartonville, IL 61607

Haven Studio, 1100 W. Garfield Ave., Bartonville, IL 61607

Copyright ©2023 - Practice Simple Wellness